In this Agreement, "you" or "your" means the person or entity that Just Say Net Ltd is providing the service for, and "we" or "our" will refer collectively to Just Say Net Ltd, the providers of the service.
These terms and conditions are a contract between you and your website providers, Just Say Net Ltd. It applies to your use of this website, the website that we provide for you and to any related products and services we provide you with.
You must read, agree with, and accept all of the terms and conditions expressly set out below and those incorporated by reference, before we will create a site for you, or place references to your site on any of our websites. Note that to use this site you must also agree to the terms of our privacy policy which is here. We may amend these terms at any time.
If your site is to collect payment online then by default the payment page is set up to use a PayPal account. Other payment gateways are supported. Please enquire as to the availability if you wish to use a different payment gateway.
Just Say Net acts as an Internet service provider by creating, hosting, maintaining and providing our Service to you via the Internet.
To be eligible for a website, you must be a resident of the United Kingdom.
You agree to take sole responsibility, as publisher, for the content of your website, whether the content was placed on the site by yourselves or by another entity (including, but not limited to, ourselves) on your behalf. Where you supply us with references and graphics for content on your site then you must ensure that you have obtained all necessary permission for our use of the material.
All services may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any laws is prohibited. We will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.
You are solely responsible for backup of data stored on the web server.
You may not publish through this service anything leading to an abusive or unethical use of the service, or that could be infringing on a third party's copyright. We shall have no liability, directly or indirectly, to Complainants or third parties for your infringing copyrighted materials. You shall reimburse us for all expenses associated with processing valid infringement allegations and defending any and all legal claims associated therewith.
You may not place content on your website intended to mislead search engines. We will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.
You are responsible for testing and approving all functionality of your website prior to live implementation. Your instruction to implement your website will be taken as confirmation that it is working as you expect.
You may not promote your products or services through the use of spam, which includes but is not limited to, sending unsolicited email, link spamming and visitor spamming.
You agree not to continue to send commercial e-mail to a recipient if recipient has requested that you discontinue such communication.
You may not use the personal mail servers (i.e. the ones you use in your email client, or via webmail) to send bulk email to your customers. The CMS allows deployment of a properly managed commercial mailing list.
You may not send email to any email address that was given or sold to you via a third party. e.g. You many not purchase any form of mailing list and use it to send bulk email.
Note these all the terms relating to email or bulk email apply whether you use our own facilities to send bulk email or you use facilities or software provided by a third party. Note also that automatic detection systems are in place and will block and limit outbound or inbound email that contravenes our terms.
You must pay your invoices promptly. If payment is overdue then we will give you the opportunity to make a reasonable explanation. However, service may be suspended until payment is made. We may also excercise our right to add a late payment charge as per the UK late payment legislation. If a payment is 3 months overdue then we will submit a cliam via the Government's online money claim system at We may also, depending on the extent of our exposure, shut down any websites we choose whilst our recovery action is in progress.
Note also that all our invoicing is published in the public domain as we deem necessary, and invoicing history is regularly passed to credit reference agencies.
If you are acting on behalf of another party in the role of an agent or reseller then you must make the website owner aware of their responsibilities and the nature of the service with which you are providing them. You must ensure the client's compliance with their responsibilities. Where you are fulfilling the responsibilities of the website client for them then the relevant website client terms and conditions apply to you as agent.
Generally, you are responsible for supplying the content for the pages. We can provide copywriting services if requested.
You agree to defend, hold harmless, and expeditiously indemnify us from any and all liability, claim, loss, damage or expense arising out of your violation or our implementation of this policy.
You may not transfer any rights or obligations you may have under this Agreement without our prior written consent.
For the fees we have quoted, we host a bespoke website on our servers for you containing the facilities we have agreed.
We will set up your website with default content for the pages until you supply us with the relevant information.
The hosting service is provided on an "as is" basis. We give no warranty, expressed or implied, for the web hosting services provided, including, without limitation, warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. This no warranty expressly includes any reimbursement for losses of income due to disruption of service by us or our providers beyond the fees you pay us for services.
Some of the services we sell may require you to form a contract with companies other than ourselves. For example whenever a UK domain is registered then as part of the registration process the registrant must always create a contract with Nominet.
We are not a registrar or Nominet agent. If asked to do so then we will register a domain on your behalf using a registrar or agent of our choice. If we register a UK domain name then you are bound by the terms of the agent we use and the terms of Nominet as well.
We reserves the right, at our sole discretion to deactivate your web hosting upon non payment of fees due, or upon violation of this policy. If we cancel your account for any reason any amounts owed in arrears will be made due and payable immediately. We may or may not give notice before deactivating the use of a website which we decide is in breach of this policy in any way.
You may move to another web provider at any time. We do not charge anything if you wish to move to another provider. We will implement your tag/DNS/registrar changes within 48 hours of your request.
We reserves the right to transfer this Agreement or any right or obligation under this Agreement without your consent.
We have a policy to respect and protect the privacy of our customers and their information that is stored online. We will only access and disclose information as necessary to comply with applicable laws and government requests, to provide the Services described, to operate or maintain our systems or to protect ourselves or our customers.
All fees are in Pounds, Sterling. We recoup setup and hosting costs from free sites through advertising revenue after the build. We therefore charge you to transfer away from our free service if we have failed to recover the cost of development work.
This Agreement is governed by and interpreted under the laws of the United Kingdom. If any point above is not technically legal then all the other points still apply, and the closest legal interpretation of the point(s) in question will apply.