Full order tracking.
Stock control if required.
Voucher system if required.
Various statistical tools.
Automatic creation of Search Engine XML Sitemaps and submission to Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Additional components can do a variety of extras such as submit product feeds to product search engines such as Google Base.
Sometimes. Usually we would discard your existing site and create a new one for you. Our technology allows us to do this quickly and delivers a site that allows faster site maintenance. More...
No, it needs to run on our servers. A simple DNS update is all that is required if you already have a domain name. This can be done without affecting any email systems you have in place if you do not wish to use our email solution.
Probably, but we won't try to do that because you should be concentrating on other things. What is important is this:
Number of visitors. This is how many real humans look at your site.
Quality of visitors. This is basically the likelihood that they will make a purchase (or make contact - depending on the goal of your site)
We can certainly help you with that. Some of the factors affecting whether people will buy:
Price of products.
Structure of site.
Placement of products on site.
Text used on site.
Ease of site navigation.
Ease of finding a required product.
Responsiveness of site.
Using the in-built statistical tools we can analyse all these factors and provide advice on how to improve your site. This is a standard part of our promotional plans.